• Jogging Stroller reviews are a great place to start your research before deciding which jogging stroller is best for you and your baby.  When buying a jogging stroller, there are features consumers should not be without. Whether it is the stroller’s storage space, smooth ride or portability, mid-to-high end jogging strollers have much to offer smart shoppers.

    Some people believe that the more expensive the stroller in a jogging stroller review, the better it is.  This is simply not the case.  Experts caution that infants must be four to six months old before they can ride in a jogging stroller.  There are some very affordable jogging strollers that are every bit as safe as the designer joggers.  No matter your budget, you can find a quality stroller just by reading the right jogging stroller reviews and deciding which features you need, and which you can live without.

    Jogging strollers can also be used as everyday strollers too.  So, when reading over any jogging stroller review, keep in mind that you can use it as your every day stroller too.  When all else is equal, it comes down to the tires. Serious jogging strollers come with large, inflatable tires, something everyday strollers may not include. A typical stroller has four wheels, but a jogging stroller has three, and the front wheel is the navigating wheel, a necessary feature if a parent plans to jog. The third wheel directs the course of the stroller when pushed at a joggers pace. If a parent wants to jog a five-minute mile, then stability can be an issue. The padded handle is also important. A wide handle makes the stroller easy to push and steer. Along with the front wheel, the handle stabilizes the jogging stroller.

    The perfect jogging stroller can be used for every day activities. A nice feature to look for is a locking lever on the front wheel to limit the swivel and stabilize the stroller. Lightweight jogging strollers are also attractive. They glide down the trail and can be folded quickly. A folding stroller fits in the trunk of a car and is easy to carry on public transportation. Many public transportation systems require that the parent pick up the child and fold down the strollers when boarding.

    Keep in mind that a jogging stroller may not be ideal for every outing. Conventional strollers can often hold an infant car seat, while not all jogging strollers will be able to do so securely. A jogging stroller may accept a baby car seat, but may not be a good substitute for one. In addition, does the jogging stroller have a luggage compartment or something to store baby gear?  Often times joggers do not have as much (if any) basket storage underneath the stroller itself.

    When reading through jogging stroller reviews it is important to keep some questions in mind: Can the child grow into the stroller? Did you buy a make and model that is flexible for years to come?  Do you want a jogger that can handle steep inclines and rocky terrain or will you mainly run on flat paved surfaces?  Check to make sure the seat is okay and that the harness system not only contains the child, but also does so comfortably. Look under the seat or carriage and measure the amount of cargo area. Can it hold a hefty winter jacket (yours and theirs)? If you start to run with a jacket you could easily shed it during your jog.  Do the seat backs have pocket cargo space? Did you find pockets inside the seat?  So many things to consider while reading jogging stroller reviews.  Fear not, we are here to help you navigate through the process!

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